Thursday 31 July 2014

Kraft Dinner is a succubus

Evil temptress! KD is not gluten free.  This makes me sad.  DD wanted it for dinner tonight since she hasn't had it in a while. I wanted it so very badly. I had this urge to shove her out of her chair and put the bowl of delicious cheesy noodles into my mouth. Screw the spoon! Fling the fork! This craving was a primal urge I could feel tingling all over my body.

Damnit I want gluten!!!!

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Gluten free for 2 days.

Today marks day 6 of my attempt at detoxing my body from gluten. I think it will help some of my health issues and it is definitely worth trying if I can manage it.  Last time I lasted 3 days before I was hating myself. Not having my pasta and toast and crackers makes me grumpy.

This is day two being completely gluten free. The first 4 days was a slow reduction in gluten. Now I'm free of it. How long can I make it?

Monday 26 May 2014

Computer issues: posting via phone

I'm using a talk to text application in order to post this because on my phone it is very difficult to type. And I am too exhausted to be able to even sit at a computer and type right now, my eyes aren't even open.
I am utterly and completely exhausted. When I try to stand up and walk very shaky and I I feel like I'm going to fall over like my knees will give way and Iegs will buckle. someone asked me today if I think it is my depression or the fibro that is making me so tired. And I questioned that myself because depression and exhaustion go hand in hand. But I want to get up and I want to do things around the house and I want to look for work. I think if it was a depression making me sleepy and wanting me and bad that I wouldn't want to do anything else. I've been there before.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

A little peice of my mind

I bent over to get out a garbage bag from under the sink despite how much pain my back is in.  The pain and swelling in my arm goes up and down depending on how much I use the muscles.  My back just all of a sudden got the familiar sharp stabbing pain on the right side.

Anyway, I got out the garbage bag and started to tidy up the kitchen, tossing the rubbish in the bag meaning to move on to something else after that was done.  I left the garbage bag on the recycling bin near the door so I wouldn't need to bend over for it.

A few minutes ago I had made a snack for me to eat.  I planned to take my detox herbs when I was done.  I see some garbage that I missed and tossed it away.

The dish rack looks really dirty and I should clean it.  I moved on to putting away the few dishes that were still in the rack, some I had to put on the table in a pile because I can't reach the cupboards where they belong.

I see the snack I made sitting on the table and snatch it up.  I gobble it up and pull the juice out of the fridge.  I head off to the bathroom...potty break....!

The hall closet is open when I get out and I remember the dirty dish rack.  I sift through the cleaners on the shelf and settle on one.  I go to the kitchen to grab the dish rack, put it in the bottom of the tub and spray it with a good cleaner.

I put the cleaner back in the closet on my way to the kitchen to start getting the dishes ready to clean, or at least rinse.  When I get into the kitchen I see the juice container with the cap off sitting on the table waiting for a cup.  I had completely forgotten to take out a cup and take a pill.

When I say that I am losing my mind I am not being facetious.

Monday 14 April 2014

Night time with an ADHD-Aspie-Gifted-Pubesent daughter

DD was very against me going into her bedroom as we were preparing her for bed tonight.  This, of course, makes my mommy-sense tingle.  I went into her room wondering what I would find and saw that a sweater was on the floor trying to cover up some water spill.  She is not allowed to have food or drink in her bedroom.  There is a bottle of water or a cup on the bathroom counter for her if she needs a drink in the night.   She leaped onto her bed and curled up over her pillow.  *tingle, tingle*  I got DH to pick her up to give her a big hug while I snuck in for the search.  Sure enough, in her pillow case, was a little stash of contraband.  A few toys that were supposed to be put away, a whole bunch of little plastic pieces of a toy that she had taken apart and collected the shiny bits like a raven and the thing she really didn't want us to know about; the chocolate bar wrapper.  Now found out she screams for us to get away from her, to go away and to shut up.  (Yes, we let her get away with saying that.)

Our coping is to put music on, walk outside or medicate.  If we go outside lately she starts to panic and scream and cry.  She has serious abandonment issues, too many of the peripheral people in her life have left her.  DH picked up the remote and quietly told me he was going to put music on, confirming that I was okay with that.  That was when her screaming became actual words.  "Don't you DARE put music on!"  She does that 'don't you DARE' stuff a lot. As soon as the sound came on the screaming got much worse.  I explained to my DH that she has snapped and completely lost control of herself.  She has gone from our DD to our AUTISTIC DD and the music is making it worse.  It's overstimulating the child that has snapped because she was overwhelmed already.  He agreed, turned it off and let me know he was going to close her bedroom door though.  It is standard here that if you keep screaming you will have to have your door closed.

DH reminded her if she kept screaming her door would need to be closed.  She kept screaming at him to leave her alone and just be quiet.  And this time, she did say 'be quiet' since last time there was no reaction to 'shut up'.  Don't you dare close my door came next, shortly after the door closed there was the banging and screaming and kicking.  Then something different happened; she started to panic.  She started to cry out that she was scared and DH opened the door.  She lunged into his arms and clung to him crying.  She kept saying that she doesn't want to be alone.  She is scared to be alone.  When the door closes she is too alone.

After a bit of snuggles she climbed into her bed and under the covers, meltdown over, she's reading a book before lights out.

This used to be a regular night for us.  Years ago when we did not have the knowledge that we have now.  Except it used to be a lot worse.  The screaming would go on for at least half an hour, we would scream at her and each other.  Sometimes there would be spankings, objects hurling, holes in walls, broken doors.  There were times that I didn't think that we would last.  What marriage can persevere through this? Was a regular thought.  I thought my daughter would never succeed in life because I was not a good enough parent to teach her respect.  I worried that she would grow up to be a selfish bitch that no one really liked.  I don't anymore.  I know she will be an amazing woman because she has grown into an amazing girl.

Not getting poked by the Wang.

A local Chinese MD & acupuncturist is Dr Wang, I'm a new patient of his.  Taking steps to make my body healthier I called him this weekend and booked an appointment for this morning.  I like him.  He's got a nice firm handshake.  He is concerned with my health and has started me on a herbal concoction for the next week to detox my body.  He said I am very toxic and my organs do not work properly.  My tongue is very healthy though, LOL.  He is billing everything under acupuncture treatment because my insurance covers acupuncture.  He also have me 60% off of my assessment.  YAY!  it will be interesting to see if I feel any different after the first week of Chinese Herbal Medicine.

Saturday 12 April 2014

Weight Loss

I forgot to update when I reached another goal; 25 pounds have been lost so far!  I had to buy new pants because none of mine fit anymore.  My wedding ring is loose too.  I'm excited!

Tuesday 18 March 2014

Short Update

Hello everyone.  I'm alive and unwell.

After having the cryoablation on my cervix a couple weeks ago I caught a cold.

I'm tired and not up for much of anything so the blogging has been slow.  Sorry.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Medical Update

This might be a bit too much for some, so be warned.

Yesterday I had day surgery, cervical cryoablation.  There was no anesthetic though, and with the fibro the pain kept getting worse well past the time the doctor said it should have leveled out.  Dealing with the after effects of this procedure is not something I want to go  into too much detail about.  Lets just say....ewwww....and leave it at that.

It was before the doctor went in that I learned something new.  His prognosis; PCOS.  That is the abbreviation for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.  I feel like I might be some nefarious higher powers' beta test.  How much can one woman handle?  How many things can I load onto her before she breaks?

The list so far:
Depression (multiple kinds I've been told)
Knock Knees
Acid Reflux
Extreme Light Sensitive
Chronic Post Nasal Drip
and welcome PCOS!

The sad thing is that this is by no means a complete list of the "issues" with my body medically.  They are simply the ones that are basically separate medical conditions of their own.

Sunday 2 March 2014

Fantastic Man

I married the most wonderful man. Sometimes he doesn't show it but today he screamed it out with his actions.
I spent the day out with a dear friend whom I have missed spending time with. We went to lunch, did some window shopping and relaxed at her home while petting dogs and cats.
When I got home I was surprised to find most of our laundry done, most of the dishes cleaned and a generally clean and tidy home. That was an amazing feeling. I'm so grateful for his unwavering support. He does so much for us, even have the kiddo a bath.
And the biggest relief for me was the cage for our recently departed pet rat had been dismantled, cleaned and disposed of so that I did not have to see it around anymore.
I'm feeling lucky today!

Friday 28 February 2014

Depression Sucks

I look around me at the mess and I have no will to do anything about it. I've been sad and tense all day and now the one thing that was making me feel better has fallen through.
I was invited to a gathering of people from DH's work and I was really looking forward to going. Had a shower and got dressed in a nice shirt and jeans (hubby loves me in jeans). Even did my hair nice and put on make up.  That's a lot for me, it takes spoons to do all of that and I tend to be greedy with my spoons when I have them. It's how I've survived.
Went to start my car and it seemed to be okay, a little stiff to turn but then okay and then stiff again. The snow was holding little half frozen puddles of fluid from my car. I'm assuming it's power steering fluid. Which is funny since I just had the power steering repaired a couple weeks ago.
I'm so stressed out with this dammed car!

Wednesday 26 February 2014


The process of getting my child into enrichment programming is convoluted and I barely understand it. Last year she didn't get any time to meet with the enrichment teacher that goes from school to school.  She's not assigned to only one school she has several. I think she may have been introduced but nothing more. My DD did get access to the blog for the program.  That was apparently the first step.
Step two happened this week when my DD was officially put on the verbal list (something that happens at the  enrichment meeting that happens once a month and seems very important) for this programs next step. If accepted, she will attend a completely different school one day a week and have classes there with other gifted children her age.
Next step is after she is in THAT program for a while and the teachers there get a chance to know her better then she can be put forward for the full enrichment program.  And that is what we are working so hard for.  She's such an amazing person.

Tuesday 18 February 2014

Healthy Snacking

I had been on the lookout for an easy to make granola bar recipe for a very long time.  Granola bars are a staple in my home and my family gobbles them up quicker than I can buy them! I'm so glad I found this very easy and very flexible granola bar recipe.
Healthy Easy No-Bake Granola Bars
1/4 cuppeanut butter (or no-nut butter)
1/4cup honey
1&1/2cups quick oats
1 cupdates (or sultana raisins)
1-2cups Other Stuff
Other Stuff (suggestions):
Nuts of your choice
Pre-mixed granola (this will make a slightly more crumbly bar)
Chocolate chips
Sunflower Seeds
Mini Marshmellows
Flax Seed
Hemp Seed
Vanilla Extract
Put dates (raisins) in a blender/food processor and chop until ball forms (about
one minute) and set into bowl.
Add oats and "other stuff" to bowl and set aside.
Heat peanut butter and honey in saucepan until combined and warm.
Pour mixture over ingredients in the bowl and mix well.
Press into 8"x8" wax paper lined pan and put in the fridge/freezer for about
15 minutes.
Cut into bars and enjoy, keep all leftovers refrigerated!
Originally from :  The Minimalist Baker
My version is slightly different

Monday 17 February 2014

Just like most days

This morning was nice, I got to sleep in until about 11:30. I went to bed at a decent enough time so despite my usual frequent waking up and tossing and turning I was able to get more rest than I usually do. When I finally got out of bed I wasn't in as much pain as I normally am in the mornings. Also not nearly as stiff.
There wasn't much different this morning from any other morning; bathroom, make coffee, pet rat, talk to family, bathroom again. I ran a bath for my daughter, watched something on Netflix, brushed my daughters hair, spent 15 minutes tidying in the kitchen, made myself something to eat and ate it, and spent about about 5 more minutes cleaning up. I drink a little bit of water too. After only three and a half hours out of bad and very minor things done, I am back in bed again lying down. I'm tired, my ankle is very sore, my legs are stuff, and I'm a little dizzy.  But truly this isn't much different than any other day. With the exception of when I'm working, like next week and last week, I have no choice but to push myself further. Even if that means later on I will crash, and my pain will be much worse. I have no choice because I have a family to take care of, it's not just about me.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Not Enough Spoons

For those of you that have no idea what I am referring to, please read about The Spoon Theory.

My DH was right.  And he will rejoice to see this in print and for the entire world to read.  He is rarely right, after all, so it is cause for celebration. *giggles* This morning he texted me to advise against going anywhere.  He plainly said that I did not have enough spoons to clear off the car.  I relaxed and ate and was able to recoup another spoon so I bundled up and headed out to do some errands.

Bad idea.

My stubbornness would not allow me to just give up so I struggled to get the car cleared off and then I drove it over to appointment number one.  Before I even got there I decided that nothing was worth driving around in this, I had a hard enough time getting out of my own driveway, could only go about 20-30kph the whole trip there and got stuck once I found the right place.  So I headed home right after the appointment worrying about how my husband was going to fare in these conditions.  He works in another city and the transit is not pleasant.  He has to walk about 30 minutes just to get to the bus stop.  And I worry about my daughter walking home from school in this weather, and I worry about not getting the errands done that I wanted to.  With all this worrying I developed a panic attack.

To make matters worse I have a very sore arm that sends sharp pains all over it when I move it most ways.  I also cannot hold anything substantial in my right hand due to pain and weakness.  Not even my glass of water.

So my spoons have depleted to nearly gone by getting clothes on, clearing my car off, driving to an appointment, driving back and getting comfortable clothes back on. (PS they are called pj's) Oh, and the panic attack took away a couple spoons too.

Did I mention that I hate it when he's right?

Sunday 2 February 2014

The Effects of Acupressure

Yesterday I spoke of meeting an amazing woman named Yuumi (who has a blog, btw.) and getting my very first acupressure massage.  It was great.  And after an early night to bed (asleep by 9:30pm) and a later wake up (just after 8am) I already feel different.  I massaged my hand, a reflex of habit now, to find that the tension building there since early October has drastically reduced.  I also feel as if the treatment has begun to open me up to new levels of understanding myself.  I shocked myself with a revelation about my childhood over coffee with my DH this morning.  Not something I will go into here however I am going to put it somewhere private until I feel ready to share it.

So, this one's for Yuumi.

Saturday 1 February 2014

The day of Amazing People

Today started well enough, woke up and had a cup of coffee.  I went to bed at about 10pm last night and got to sleep in until 8am.  DH slept on the couch (fell asleep watching a movie again) so it was a bit lonely in that bed by myself.  I let him know how I felt and he's going to try to come to bed with me and not sleep on the couch.  I think it is important in our healing relationship that we sleep together, hug more and talk openly about exactly how we feel.  It's not easy after the betrayal that I have felt however I am willing to try.  He is a good man and he does take good care of me.  He can be an amazing person.

I took my DD to pick up my amazing friend PC and her son DC.  DC and my DD have similar "issues" and they are very close in age.  We hoped that they would get along well and we got our wish.  They played together very well and frankly much calmer than my DD plays with other friends or on her own.  We drove to Tim Horton's before going to the downtown market because one coffee is just not enough for PC.  At the market we met a young woman from China going to university locally.  She made jewelry with traditional Chinese braiding and hand painted ceramics.  To say they were beautiful or that she is talented would be an understatement.  She is amazing.

One of my favourite amazing people has a table at the market and I love to visit and chat with her. Her name is Ashley Hanna and she is the owner/founder/creator of Hanna-Made-Soaps.  I approached her table and asked her for her recommendation for a soap that my husband and I could use.  In Toronto we had a lady that sold us "black soap" for our skin "issues" and we wanted to find something similar after we moved away and couldn't order for delivery.  She gave me a suggestion along with a free sample and we were hooked.  I love her products, and being a small business woman myself I do what I can to help spread the word of her fabulous products.  I had a short chat with her today and picked up a sample of soap made solely with olive oil to have my DH try along with a chocolate scented one that I cannot wait to try out!

The market here has the best egg vendor in the area.  At OK Egg Farms they sell grade B eggs 2.5 dozen for $5.50!  The owner there told me that I was welcome to come on out to the farm any day to buy eggs there if I can't make it to the market.  I always get disappointed when I can't get to the market to buy my yummy fresh eggs.  She gave me a map and pointed out exactly where to go and what highway to take to get there.  Amazing.

Coming out of the market to a mess of white and brown was not very pleasant however we safely arrived at our next destination: my home, to drop off our market shopping and pick up the Groupon that my DH had given me for Christmas.  I was going to be late since the roads were horrendous so my DH called in advance, leaving a message and hoping it got through to her.  I headed over to drop off PC, DC and my DD at PC's house and was on my way to my very first Acupressure Massage.

Atlas Yoga Studio is a warm and inviting place.  There are comfy couches to lounge while awaiting your class or service.  There is a large open space that can be transformed to fit all the needs of the studio staff.  This is where I met the most amazing woman I have met in a very long time.  Her name is Yuumi and she is certified in Five Elements Acupressure, Foot Reflexology and Thai Yoga Massage.  She is in training to be a yoga instructor as well.  She was kind to wait almost 45 minutes for me to finally show up and even kinder to work a little extra long with me due to the severity of my concerns.  In such a small amount of time she was able to begin to release the emotional stress that has debilitated my body, mind and soul.  She explained to me that my Muladhara (Root) chakra is depleted and most likely has been all of my life.  The trauma that I had experienced in my formative years had taken the feeling of safety and stability.  You hear about people having "Daddy issues" all the time on television, I have "Mommy issues".  I didn't have a loving and nurturing mother, I did not feel safe.  And as an infant that must have been frightening.  I was given the task of facing my childhood.  To look at the horrors that I faced then and let them go.  It is how I will heal.

I was invited to come back for a yoga class when I am able to join them.  I am excited for this chance as I feel so powerfully about Yuumi and the work that she does.  I hope to see her many more times along this journey of mine.

Monday 27 January 2014

Anxiety Overload

In hiding in the bathroom at my temp job.  My anxiety has been very bad all day but I've just been toughing it out. I don't want it to control my whole life.  We need the money I'm going to bring in here to catch up on things and maybe get a little ahead.
I don't like the company and the office is so cold it's triggering my body wide pain.  My legs and feet at the coldest so they hurt first and most.  Along with my right hand/wrist.
They want me to file and key orders in. I'm so light headed I feel a bit nauseous.
I need something that will allow me to calm my heart rate and defog my brain.

Friday 24 January 2014

Good morning?

Woke up this morning in body wide pain. Headache, nausea, a bit of vertigo.  How do I explain this to my new employer? How can I expect him to keep me on if my attendance is horrible and this is only week two?

I was at the doctor yesterday and she told me that she will not give anything stronger than naproxen. Did I mention that it does nothing for me?  At least I was referred to a specialist.

Friday 17 January 2014


His morning was not great to start with.  DD was screaming at us for no apparent reason before we even got up.  We asked her to go calm down in her room and read for a bit.  OH! Now I recall.  It was about her toys, she wanted to play with them.  We said she could after she is done her morning routine. That's what started the screaming fit.
Anyway, after about 25 minutes she came out of her room, hugged us both and said she was sorry for treating us so badly.  She even made her bed this morning.

Thursday 16 January 2014

Anxiety is growing

I don't know what to do.  Things seemed to be going well and then this morning that changed.  Something happened again and I am so upset, so sick to my stomach, that I would go home for the day if I was not needed this afternoon fairly badly.

I tried taking a lorazapan, that didn't work.  I tried eating chocolate and that calmed me a tiny bit as I was eating it however it didn't have any lasting effect.

I tried talking to someone this morning that usually helps me feel better but that didn't really work either.  This is a problem that has been going on for years and I keep thinking it will get better, hoping that it will get better.  Now I am left to wonder if it will ever get better.  And what do I do with that information?

Monday 13 January 2014

On my way

Soon I will be on my way to work.  I picked up a temporary contract for a payroll administrator while the current lady goes in for surgery and recovers.  I'm nervous, always am first day of new jobs. This will be very good financially as well it will be a great test to see if I really can handle working full time.
DH had been supportive and has agreed to help with dishes every night. We will trade of who washes and who dries so that we don't get in a rut and bitter.
Dinner is in the slow cooker, just need to make rice when I get home.
I'm tired and my heart is racing, but I'm ready.

Sunday 12 January 2014


Life is filled with disasters.  As much as anyone would like to stay positive and say it does not happen as much as I am implying, it would just not be true.  Certainly not every disaster affects every person but there can be no denying that the world is full of them.

My life seems to be filled with one disaster after another with barely a pause in between.  I am trying to resolve them, find ways to cope with them or if I can manage it, to avoid them.  So tonight we clear out the toys from DD's bedroom and they will be stored in a closet in the hallway.  No more dumping all of the toys all over the bedroom and not cleaning them up before moving on to a new toy.  This will be treated like a library where she must sign out items with Mommy or Daddy.  She must put the other items neatly back in their places before getting any more out.

My hope is that we can have the added benefit of all distractions being in this closet (except for books) so that she will have nothing to do when sent to her room for a time out, or to tidy it.  She will have the option to read and that is all.

In my recent down mood I have been lax on her and not demanded that her routine be completed.  She still does not get electronic time or play dates because of it.  But I will not be letting her just spend the day playing in her room all day when she has responsibilities.  She wants us to do everything for her.  She expects us to wait on her hand and foot.  It will not happen.  She is now nine years old, she can make her own sandwiches and pour her own milk.  She has some "issues" but those things are things she has been able to do for a couple years at least!

Anyway, I'm done my little rant.  I expect by now that DH has put the heavy item up and away for me by now and I can continue my attack on the disasters that have been laying claim to my home.

Friday 10 January 2014

Like taking a good crap and getting a good night's sleep will fix every *bleep*ing thing!!!

1. No, I don't look sick.  But I am.
2. Yes, everybody does get tired. But not completely and overwhelmingly exhausted.
3. Oh yes, mid thirties.  All of a sudden I understand why I have been suffering for years...I'm old now.
4. Get out more?  And do what exactly?  How will leaving my home more help me?
5. You did NOT just say that!?!

I saw this picture on FaceBook earlier today.  I shared it in hopes that others will actually read it and remember it the next time that they think to talk to me about my illness.  Number five is the one that I have the biggest problem with.  As if I have never thought about trying to lose weight?

People look at me and see an overweight woman, some people think I just eat too much junk food or drink to much soda.  It's not that easy.  Do you know what it is like to have this debilitating disease?  I do.  And I tell you now that I would not wish this on my worst enemy.  The kind of pain it has caused me should be reserved for evil people in the deepest part of hell.

I barely sleep at night, I am tired all day.  Sometimes my brain is so filled with cotton that I cannot remember my name or birthday.  Some days the pain is so bad that I can't handle the touch of my pants on my legs.  And yet I get out of bed in the mornings, get my daughter ready for school and help my husband prepare for work.  Soon I will be working again and I will be getting myself ready for a full work day.  I cook, sometimes clean, work/look for work, grocery shop, go to appointments and everything else any other adult does.

I have found a list of symptoms that are common with Fibromyalgia (FM) on and you can see the full article and list by clicking here.  Below I have included the symptoms that I have from the list.  Until you have felt all of this, don't judge me or my life.


General Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Delayed reactions to physical exertion or stressful events
  • Sweats
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Cravings for carbohydrate and chocolate
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Vision changes, including rapidly worsening vision

Muscle & Tissue-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Pain that ranges from mild to severe, and may move around the body (See The 7 Types of Fibromyalgia Pain)
  • Morning stiffness
  • Muscle twitches
  • Diffuse swelling
  • Fibrocystic (lumpy, tender) breasts (as an overlapping condition)

Sinus & Allergy-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Allergies
  • Post nasal drip
  • Runny nose
  • Mold & yeast sensitivity
  • Shortness of breath
  • Earaches & itchy ears
  • Ringing ears (tinitis)
  • Thick secretions

Sleep-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Light and/or broken sleep pattern with unrefreshing sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep starts (falling sensations)
  • Twitchy muscles at night
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism)

Reproductive Fibromyalgia Symptoms

Abdominal & Digestive Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Bloating & nausea
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Pelvic pain
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (as an overlapping condition)

Cognitive/Neurological Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Difficulty speaking known words, other language impairments (dysphasia)
  • Directional disorientation
  • Poor balance and coordination
  • Paresthesias in the upper limbs (tingling or burning sensations)
  • Short-term memory impairment
  • Confusion
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Staring into space before brain "kicks in"

Sensory Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Sensitivity to odors
  • Sensitivity to pressure changes, temperature & humidity
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to noises
  • Sensory overload

Emotional Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Panic attacks
  • Depression (as an overlapping condition)
  • Tendency to cry easily
  • Free-floating anxiety (not associated with situation or object)
  • Mood swings
  • Unaccountable irritability

Heart-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Rapid, fluttery, irregular heartbeat
  • Pain that mimics heart attack, frequently from costochondritis (as an overlapping condition)

Skin, Hair & Nail-Related Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Pronounced nail ridges
  • Mottled skin
  • Bruising or scarring easily
  • Tissue overgrowth (non-cancerous tumours called lipomas, ingrown hairs, heavy and splitting cuticles, adhesions)

Miscellaneous Fibromyalgia Symptoms

  • Hemorrhoids
  • Nose bleeds 

Monday 6 January 2014

When it rains, it pours.

It's after 2:30 in the morning and I'm still awake. My heart feels like it's ready to burst out of my chest,  but it's also fluttering. I've taken 15 milligrams of melatonin and my evening medication. I tried lying on my back supporting my neck; everything feels like it's shaking inside.
I'm so tired, but I can't seem to keep my eyes closed. I'm so restless my movements are jerky. I toss and turn, I even shake a little.  I have found myself making the small involuntary movements that I do in a serious panic attack. Where my arm starts to jerk or spasm, but I can't control it, I can't stop it. The best I'm able to do is to channel the involuntary movements to another part of my body. So I go from moving my arm sporadically to opening and closing my fist repeatedly. Or sometimes I just start tapping something over and over again.
I'm so very tired of being so tired.
My car broke down, child support is overdue and we are very broke. I have the flu, my pet rat is hurt and we have no way of treating her. I don't even have enough to get infant Advil for her pain and swelling.
My DD is still pushing her limits; welcome to puberty! And I'm not sure if I can give her what she needs.  I'm supposed to be teaching her how to manage her emotions, how to be a responsible person. How can I do that for her when I can rarely do it for myself?
My DH struggles with more than his share of problems. Mental illness is a constant companion in this home. And on top of his own issues he has to deal with a wife who is always ill and a stepdaughter that always pushes his buttons. Are we really equipped to deal with her?

Saturday 4 January 2014

What's been going on

To start I'm going to apologize. I'm using a function on my new cell phone where I can speak into the phone and it types for me. I'm not sure how it will work out. But it's worth a try. 
My right arm is getting worse. Its always swollen up, and almost always in pain. Usually the pain is sharp in the elbow area. Right now I am lying on the couch, with a freezer pack thing, I think it's supposed to be for lunches or something, on the back of my neck. My head is pounding and nothing I have done so far seems to work. 
The 30th of December was the last time that we had heat in our apartment. Over the night at some point the furnace stopped working. When we woke up on the 31st, we were freezing.  We had planned on spending the night with family out of town , so it wasn't a big deal that we didn't have heat. After a great night away and lots of fun with my cousins, we found out on the first that there still was no heat.
We stayed another night at my cousins house. They were great. And we enjoy spending time with our family. But we really wanted our own home back. It was too far for my husband to commute to work, so we asked another friend in town if we could stay at their place.
So we packed up some things at our house and headed over to my nice friend's warm house.
Now this was our third night, I think, that we were sleeping on other people's couches.
Okay my head hurts too much to keep this up. I will sum it up quick. Daughter slept over at a friends house last night, hobby & I stayed at home on our own couches. heat is still not on in the building, but the space heaters are helping to keep our own apartment at a decent temperature.
Okay, time to take more Tylenol.