Monday 27 January 2014

Anxiety Overload

In hiding in the bathroom at my temp job.  My anxiety has been very bad all day but I've just been toughing it out. I don't want it to control my whole life.  We need the money I'm going to bring in here to catch up on things and maybe get a little ahead.
I don't like the company and the office is so cold it's triggering my body wide pain.  My legs and feet at the coldest so they hurt first and most.  Along with my right hand/wrist.
They want me to file and key orders in. I'm so light headed I feel a bit nauseous.
I need something that will allow me to calm my heart rate and defog my brain.


  1. can't offer anything useful on the anxiety end. Tricks for feet and hand warmth. If there is a microwave getting a magic bag and wrapping your feet under your desk. Or get an old fashioned water bottle and boil water. There are commercial products you can buy, but they get pricey. (hugs) You can do it!

  2. Apparently Magic bag makes slippers. They can be found at Shoppers Drugmart. No not necessarily something you could afford to get now, but would be a decent long term investment with the feets and the cold.
