Saturday 4 January 2014

What's been going on

To start I'm going to apologize. I'm using a function on my new cell phone where I can speak into the phone and it types for me. I'm not sure how it will work out. But it's worth a try. 
My right arm is getting worse. Its always swollen up, and almost always in pain. Usually the pain is sharp in the elbow area. Right now I am lying on the couch, with a freezer pack thing, I think it's supposed to be for lunches or something, on the back of my neck. My head is pounding and nothing I have done so far seems to work. 
The 30th of December was the last time that we had heat in our apartment. Over the night at some point the furnace stopped working. When we woke up on the 31st, we were freezing.  We had planned on spending the night with family out of town , so it wasn't a big deal that we didn't have heat. After a great night away and lots of fun with my cousins, we found out on the first that there still was no heat.
We stayed another night at my cousins house. They were great. And we enjoy spending time with our family. But we really wanted our own home back. It was too far for my husband to commute to work, so we asked another friend in town if we could stay at their place.
So we packed up some things at our house and headed over to my nice friend's warm house.
Now this was our third night, I think, that we were sleeping on other people's couches.
Okay my head hurts too much to keep this up. I will sum it up quick. Daughter slept over at a friends house last night, hobby & I stayed at home on our own couches. heat is still not on in the building, but the space heaters are helping to keep our own apartment at a decent temperature.
Okay, time to take more Tylenol.

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