Monday 30 December 2013

Pass it to the left

Something that I have not written about so far is my personal feelings on the use of marijuana.  Today I change that.

When I was in my teens I tried pot for the first time.  I was living in a woman's shelter and it was a boyfriend that gave it to me, a bunch of us sitting around in a basement.  I guess that seems to be the typical way for teens to smoke.  I remember very little about it, only that I was fascinated by the key around another girl's neck.  I just kept staring at it.

It was a few years later that I tried it again, not good stuff at all.  All it did was give me a headache.  It was a few more years again before I tried it again.  That was in my very early twenties and with my boyfriend and his friends and even his younger brother.  We smoked about every weekend and sometimes during the week at night.  I worked full time and I supported two other adults.  I didn't have the money to spend on it so what I had was what was shared.

It didn't last long; the relationship or the weed.  Few years down the road and I started again.  At first it was just every once in a while for fun.  I liked the way it made me feel and I DIDN'T like the way alcohol did.  It was the better choice for me.  After a while I realized that the marijuana was helping me.  My pain was easier to handle and it brought my anxiety down a couple notches.

It's been about 3.5 years now since I started smoking pot for something other than recreational use.  In fact, I rarely smoke for the fun of getting high anymore.  If I could find the strain that allows for pain relief without the effect it has on my brain then I'd be a lot happier about it.  As the years go by my pain gets worse and nothing the doctors have ever given me have done any good.  I'm tired of being in pain all the time.

Most of the time I push myself through the day without anything to take the edge off the pain.  I need to drive places and do things that require as clear of a head as I can manage.  So in the evening when the child is in bed I light one up and let the pain melt away. 

In case you didn't catch the message; I'm pro legalization!

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