Thursday 19 December 2013

Here's how the last few days have panned out.

At night I map out the next day. Things I plan to do and get done. The last week has been no different except that most of what I plan to get done I'm not doing. I mean I've started the same load of dishes three times now! I fill the sink with hot soapy water and dirty dishes. I give it a few minutes and run off to do something else on my list. Something will come up and wham! The day's over and that sink has cold scummy water now. *sigh*
The first couple days I was not even home for most of the days and when I finally got home it was with a cranky child in tow. Then wednesday night I was thinking that thursday I would finally get some of the home cleaned. I had goals set and I was on my way to bed at a decent time to start myself off right.
Then my daughter gets the flu. Woke up and vomited all over everything. Poor girl. DH brought her bedding to the laundry room and set it on while I soothed her and washed her stomach contents out of her hair. After getting her settled in to bed again she gets sick again. This time I was there with her and was able to get a garbage can in time.
She's burning up and doesn't seem to be starting to feel any better. Complaining her stomach hurts. I rush to the car in my pyjamas and drive to the pharmacy. Get home to find her laying in bed with her Daddy sitting beside her. It was sweet. He was her Knight standing vigil against the dark virus. His weapons were snuggles and a garbage can.
Anyway. She was given a bunch of things to help and got settled into sleep. All seemed well. That was until we wake up at 730am to find her floor covered in vomit. She missed the bucket. This time DH snuggled her while I cleaned up. (We make a good team)
So, all the plans of cleaning today got tossed out the window. I sat with her and ran her bedding through the wash. It took me an hour to convince her to let me take a nap because I had an exam to write tonight. Nap was successful however I didn't write the exam (long story, no worries).
Tomorrow I have a procedure at the hospital in the morning, items to pick up in the afternoon, cards to mail, a couple gifts to buy and still need to do the house cleaning I've been unable to do all week! ACK!

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