Saturday 14 December 2013

Low sleep = high pain

Night before last I just could not sleep. I spent hours trying to keep my eyes closed long enough to let sleep come. Nothing worked. Eventually I think I was just too exhausted for anything and napped for about an hour or so. The whole night I snatched 15-30 minute naps.
Last night I drugged myself up on pain killers and sleep aids hoping to get a better sleep. It started off great but 4am came around and my DD and her BFF (who slept over) decided it was time to wake up and be annoying and loud and rude.
So despite being able to grab a bit more sleep I'm in huge amounts of pain right now. Enough that I'm laying in my bed and taking mental stock of all the pain killers I have and which ones will pack the biggest punch. Wish I had a perc or two left.

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