Friday 5 July 2013

Plans Change

Today I had goals.  I had plans.  I planned to tidy the kitchen and tackle my area or "office space" since it is a disaster.

It's only 11 am and already I am exhausted.  My DH and I ended up sleeping on the couch last night because it was too hot and muggy in the bedroom to manage.  Our daughter has an air conditioner in her room and we have one in the living room.  I slept alright, same as usual I guess.  But I was up late cuddling my pet rat who is dying.  She is in pain sometimes, so we have to have her put to sleep.  It's been a hard couple days for us.

I am babysitting a friend of my DD today.  I told them that I would take them swimming this afternoon.  I'm just so tired.  My DD is being really cranky.  I hate it when she acts like this.  Complaining that she is too cold when sitting in front of the AC unit!  Of course you are cold, go somewhere else.  It seems she completely lacks common sense.  I am given to understand that it is an aspie trait.

I hope my husband will understand when he gets home.  I hope that he wont be too upset that everything didn't get done.  I'm tired and sore and cranky.  I need a nap!

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