Wednesday 24 July 2013

I'm having a dilemma.

I started this blog with the intentions of keeping a record of my attempts to lose weight. I had always been told that keeping a journal of what you eat and how your body changes was a great way to stay on track. I thought that I didn't want to carry a book and pen around with me all the time.

With the invention of the "blog" I thought that might be a better way to journal. I started with a livejournal account and learned what it was like to share your thoughts and feelings online for everyone to read and comment on.

That didn't work out very well.

It's been many years since I had my livejournal account and I find facebook is more than enough online drama for me! From my past experiences I decided that another livejournal account was not the way to go. I'm not sure why I ended up choosing blogger but here I am, blogging away.

Now where was I? Hmmmm...

OH YEAH! This blog started off for weight loss. Sharing my storey with other people just in case it helps someone. Or at the very least entertains someone.

Now I'm more of a healthy body, mind and soul blogger. And lately as I try to become more healthy I have wanted to share my challenges. And now we get to the part about the dilemma. I want to share things with most of the world but not some of the people close to me. I don't want the drama. I know at least one of my close friends reads this blog and there may be others. Some of those others I may want to talk about on my blog. (I don't use names but sometimes that person will just know that I'm talking about them). This is not a place that I will trash people (if it was I'd probably have way more readers!) However my husband may not want everyone in the world know about a fight we had and the details of it.

I feel like it may help me to write about it and it might help someone else to know that they are not alone in what they struggle with.

So what do I do?

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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