Monday 6 May 2013

A complete journey

First point today: still down eight pounds, lots more to go.

I have been pondering lately and have come to the conclusion that this journey I am on is more than just healthy weight loss. It's a journey to discover myself. Finding out who I am and becoming healthy in body, mind and soul.

I have discovered a few new things about myself. I shouldn't really refer to them as 'new' thing since I have always been me. I just didn't fully understand this part of me.

I am a polyamorous person. And I have a lot of love to give to people. When I love, I love deeply. I don't speak now of only romantic love. Though I do know that I am capable of loving more than one person romantically. And that the love I give to one person does not ever take away from the love I give to any other. Love, I believe, is infinite. The people that are close to me in friendship, I love many of them. And I have made a point lately of telling people how I care for them. So they know that they are cherished.

I have also been taking tiny steps towards my spiritual self. Learning my path and walking it. It's a slow journey, but I have no doubt that I will get to exactly where I need to be.

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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