Thursday 7 November 2013

Don't Assume

You don't know me, don't assume you do. Don't assume that I trust you because you are related to me. By blood or marriage, it doesn't matter. Not to me. Most of the time I trust easily however people tend to do things to dissuade me from continuing that trust.

I decided to text my SIL (sister in law) since I knew she was trying to think of gifts for us for Christmas. I was making an effort because, after all, she is family.

Now I should tell you that my SIL lives out west. And I thought she was an okay person. But after some time I realized that I didn't much care for her as a person. But family, right? She did some things that really upset me. I won't go into the details here though.

When I asked her what she got for my DD she refused to tell me; saying that it's Christmas and it's about surprises. I tried to explain to her that my DD is very sensitive and frightens easily. There are things that I won't allow her to have. Nothing changed her mind. It's not just the fears or the restrictions I have (like no Bratz dolls), it's also the waste of money. You see the first gift that was sent to my DD was a gold bracelet. She doesn't wear jewelry, she thinks it's pretty but she plays with it and ties it to things. It's just not a good gift. For me, she got me a set of glass pillar candle holders which my neighbour is currently enjoying. The next time she was gift giving she did a decent job with DD. Got her a cd and cute dino-bank. Me? A bitch faced pastel fairy with broken fingers. My DH refused to let me give it away, so I put it in DD's room. She thinks it's pretty. Probably because it's got a few gems in it.

It just blows my mind. She says to me "I know you don't like surprises" and that is so far from true. I LOVE surprises for myself. I don't really care if it's for DH, I don't need to know what it is. He's a big boy after all. But my daughter, my most precious dearest heart. I want to protect her.

I suggested to her that our relationship would go smoother if she was more co-operative. This was her response to me: I think as long as we talk with respect and kindness to each other we should have no trouble to talk and have a good relationship!! U have to trust me !

I said I was sorry, but I don't.

She responded with "ok then that's all I needed to know"

What I'd like to know is why she thinks that I HAVE to trust her. I barely know her, what I do know I'm not fond of, why in the world would I just blindly trust her?

Sometimes I don't understand people.

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