Saturday 30 November 2013


Last year around this time I started going down into the black hole of seasonal depression. I didn't quite realize what was happening at the time and that, I believe, is what set me on to my current path of self discovery and awareness.
Who am I?
I am a mother, wife, sister, cousin, daughter, granddaughter, aunt, niece, friend and sometimes confidant. The pressures of these things have been building within me so that now I feel overwhelmed. It's too much. I need time to be me and only me.
So this year when I began to notice the changes in myself I spoke up. I told my DH and we decided to give me a weekend away. A planned respite.
There is a wonderful program in our city that has a crisis respite house where those in need of respite can have just that. I have a small room with a soft bed and even a dresser if I wanted to use one. It's a very large old house and I love it here. it's nice to not have any responsibility. No one to explain to. If I feel I need a break I just take one.
In fact, I think I might just take a nap shortly. It's after four in the afternoon and I may just nap before dinner is served. That's right, served.
Now, if I could only get my anxiety to calm down and accept the break.

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