Saturday 22 June 2013

Spiritual Health

I'm spending some time on my Spiritual health now since my physical health is such a challenge to tackle. (At this point 90% of our food comes from the food bank and friend donations, so I have to eat what I can get) A healthy diet is not really possible right now.

I read a good little snippet on spirituality and health that I thought I would share.

In an effort to do the things that make me feel whole and better I'm going to be at a farm this afternoon. I've watched a couple extra shows of Jackie Chan Adventures (I LOVE Uncle!) And enjoyed my free coffee. Yes, I said free coffee.

In the Tim Horton's drive through today the guy in front of me threw his coffee cup out the window and to the garbage can. He missed and it fell to the ground beside his car. He saw it and did nothing. So when drove up I parked my car and picked it up, threw it in the garbage along with my garbage. I didn't have to do it. I did it because it felt like the right thing to do. He paid for our coffee. Maybe by me doing what was right it reminded him that it was the right thing. Maybe tomorrow he will get out of his truck and pick up his own garbage. It was a good learning experience for my daughter seeing as she was in the car with me. Showing her that you do things because they are the right things to do and not because you expect something from it, and sometimes karma rewards you.

I'm off now to do more things that make me feel good. Spending time with friends and family.
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone

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